Go on a forest adventure with your very own handmade Forest Friends Quiet Book Page. Simply gather the tools and materials listed below, then pop on over to our shop to get the downloadable pattern and tutorial. Making your own forest friends quiet book page couldn’t be easier!
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Forest Friends quiet book page Pattern & Tutorial
Stiff Felt (brown, white, blue, tan, orange, grey, black, pink, green)
Buttons (small blue, flower, leaf, acorn)
Beads (round blue)
Braided Nylon Cord (green)
Upholstery Thread & Needle
Cricut Cutting Machine (optional)
Sewing Machine & Colored Thread
Forest Friends Quiet Book Page
How adorable are these little forest friends animals? Grab the pattern for the Forest Friends quiet book page from our shop and make your own fox, deer, skunk, squirrel, and raccoon friends!

More Camping Quiet Book Pages
Check out these other forest and camping themed quiet book pages available in our shop and impress your kids with an entire handmade camping themed quiet book!
Try It For Yourself
Ready to try your hand at making a Camping Quiet Book? You got this! The easy to follow tutorials will help you every step of the way!
When you're all finished, be sure to show me what you’ve made! Join me on Instagram or Facebook and share your quiet book with me! Or leave me a message in the comments below. I love hearing from you!

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