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If you’re looking for a fun craft to make with your kids this Easter, I have the perfect thing.  String art crafts are so fun to make, and this string art Easter egg is no exception!  Follow the steps below to find out how to make your own.  Plus, I created a FREE printable template to help you along the way.  Click the link to get access before getting started: FREE Printable: String Art Easter Egg Template.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

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This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!


Cut three equal-sized pieces of corrugated cardboard.  Stack them on top of each other and secure them with tape.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!
This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Choose your background paper (pick a color pattern that will go with your string colors).  Lay the background paper facedown on a flat surface.  Place the cardboard on top of the background paper.  Fold over the edges—as if you were wrapping a present—and tape the background paper to the backside of the cardboard.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!
This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

When you’re finished, it should look like this:

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Next you’ll want to either sketch out an Easter egg pattern, or you can use my pattern template.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Place a piece of tracing paper over the egg pattern, and trace.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Lay the tracing paper with the design on it over your wrapped board.  To hold the tracing paper in place, insert a few pins on opposite sides of the pattern.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!
This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Use a hammer to insert pins, evenly spaced, along all the lines of the pattern.  Take care to push the pins in at an even height.  If you’ve pushed any pins in too far, simply turn your board over, and use your hammer to gently tap any pins that have poked through.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

When you’ve finished inserting all your pins, gently tear off the tracing paper.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Start with your white string.  Tie a knot around one pin.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Cut off the excess string on one side (careful not to cut too close to the knot).  Use your hot glue gun to place a dot of glue on the knot to secure it in place.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Wrap the string once around each pin until you’ve gone around the entire outside edge of the Easter egg.  To finish, tie off your string and secure with a dot of glue, just as you did when starting.

Choose a color string for your next section.  Follow along the outside edge first, then go back and fill in the section using a criss-cross pattern.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Continue filling in each section of your string art Easter egg.

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

When you’re finished it should look something like this:

This String-Art Easter Egg is SO COOL and so fun to make! What a great holiday Easter craft for kids!

Try making your own String Art Easter Egg!

A super fun Easter craft that kids can make, this string art Easter egg is sure to be a hit this holiday season.  And if you’re feeling crafty, you could try making an Easter basket or Easter bunny to go along with your string art Easter egg!

Show me what you’ve made! Join me on Instagram or Facebook and share your string art Easter egg with me! Or leave me a message in the comments below. I love hearing from you!



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Please keep in mind that all text and images on this site are property of Color the Moon and its owner.  Pinning and sharing are always welcome and appreciated!  But please do not remove any watermarks, crop, or edit any photos found on this site without written permission.  All free printables are for personal use only.


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